Marsha and I were talking this morning about getting together with Chuck and Terry, Tom and Jon for a fish fry. She said how could we because we’re not supposed to be close together… I said we’d been in the boat together twice this week and… you know where it goes from there.
But Marsha says “THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL”. I said, “WHAT?!” You can’t tell me we can’t get together with friends ever again or worry about being indoors with a small group or… come on!
Question of the millennium: What does this new future look like, in ALL aspects of life?
I’ve been wrestling with how my business goes forth. Will I be able to operate at 100% occupancy ever again? Will we have to retrofit the property somehow to allow for social distancing from now on?
Until now, my biggest worry is being flooded. I think that worry has been topped.
I don’t have a creative mind, one that can wrap my head around what this looks like in the future. Lord, I’m going to need some help!!
We’re struggling right now how to reopen and what that’s going to look like. I know we’re going to be at the mercy of gov’t telling us how much we can do. I don’t relish the thought of calling half the people scheduled to come in Memorial Day Weekend and tell them they can’t come because of restrictions. Draw straws?
We’ll see what the coming days will bring. More now than ever… trusting the Lord to give us insight and wisdom. He’s never failed us.